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About Jerome & This Site

Hey there and welcome! 

My name is Jerome and I have two passions in life -- sports and math. I probably should list beer in this group, but I typically use that as an excuse to discuss the first two. In high school, I wrestled and played football (and named captain in both), which was pretty typical growing up in Northeast Ohio. My Bachelor's degree is in education, with a Master's in Applied Mathematics and another MS in Statistics & Operations Research. I spent time teaching at community college and working as a tutor before joining a large consulting firm. This has given me the opportunity to help solve some really difficult and (in my view) really important problems. 

But I always like to come back to sports, be it football, basketball, baseball or whatever and my view on "sports analytics" is the same as my view on applying the same ideas for clients — gathering more information to aid decision making is rarely a bad idea. Some processes and decisions may be able to be automated, but for the most part that's not how #analytics works. 

My goal for this site is not be yet source that gives you stats to regurgitate, or rehashes things that have already been beat into the ground. Instead, I would like to use some #analytics to make us all, hopefully, a little bit smarter about how we intake, interpret, and convey. Sometimes that will be by posing a unique  or interesting question and seeing what comes of that or maybe other times it's just a good ol' lesson in statistics. Many of the topics I'll cover are things I pondered here and there. Now seems as good a time as any to do more than ponder and share the results with all of you.

If you have any thoughts or feedback leave some comments or shoot me an email or on twitter using the buttons below. Smash the subscribe button while you're at it. Enjoy!


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