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Showing posts from November, 2018

Starter-Worthiness: Round Two!

I'm back with a bunch of visualizations -- let's go! Time to dive back into more  starter-worthy  analysis.  If you missed my first post from a few weeks ago, I introduced what I call starter-worthy  scores for each individual position. Check out  my first post  to get all caught up. In short, I found point thresholds for each offensive  position that best separates starter-level production from the rest. Let's again dive into this by first looking at how often players are starter-worthy  based off of Average Draft Position,  and how that distribution changes by position.   Ah,  the good ol' ADP.  Play around with the bar graph below to get a better sense of where starter-worthiness  comes from in season-long drafts.  The bar graph shows, across the horizontal axis, the proportion (or percentage)  of games for each season shown (i.e. 16 games for 2015 to 2017, 9 games for 2018)  a player is starter-...